
Model Feature Example
conceptual abstract, high-level data model, no specific DBMS ER, ODL(Object data language)-user friendly
logical concrete, for implementation in specific DBMS relational model
physical actually implemented in real life inside a specific DBMS


Simple(atomic) attribute Composite attribute Single-valued attribute Multi-valued attribute Derived attribute
Attributes that are not divisible, don’t pay attention to substructure Which can be divided into smaller subparts 单值属性是指一个实体的属性只能包含一个值。这意味着每个实体的这个属性只有一个单一值。 多值属性指的是一个实体(或对象)的某个属性可以包含多个值,每个值通常是相同类型的。多值属性通常以集合、列表、数组等形式来表示。 Some attributes like age are changed dynamically and age is said to be derivable from the attribute date of birth




如果存在一个派生属性(Derived Attribute),那么必须也存在一个可以从其他属性计算或推导出来的属性。派生属性是指在数据模型中的属性,其值不是直接存储在数据库中,而是通过计算或基于其他属性的值来获得的属性。例如,一个人的年龄就可以从其出生日期和当前日期计算得出,因此年龄是一个派生属性。

The derived attribute could have a business meaning, including it in the model helps to present a complete picture of the entity.


An entity type describes the schema or intension for a set of entities that share the same structure.




The collection of entities of a particular entity type is grouped into an entity set, which is also called the extension of the entity type.

例如:考虑实体类型 “员工”。该实体类型的定义可能包括属性如姓名、员工号、工资等。实体集 “员工集” 是所有实际的员工实体的集合,每个员工都是 “员工” 实体类型的一个成员,而 “员工集” 就是 “员工” 实体类型的扩展。


  • composite key: 复合键是数据库表中的一个或多个属性的组合,用于唯一标识表中的每一行数据,与单一主键不同,复合键是由两个或多个属性共同组成的键,它们一起确保了数据的唯一性。复合键通常用于那些没有单一属性可以唯一标识每一行的情况。


  • Super key: 超键是一个或多个属性(列)的组合,其组合的值能够唯一地标识表中的每一行。这意味着,超键可以包含一个或多个属性,可以唯一标识表中的行,但不一定是最小的唯一标识方式。超键可以包含主键,也可以包含其他属性,因此,主键primary key本身也是一种超键。


  • Primary Key: 主键是表中的一个特殊超键,它被选定为唯一标识表中的每一行的超键。也就是主键属性的值必须是唯一的,并且不能为空(即不允许空值)。表中只能有一个主键,因为主键的目的是提供唯一性标识。主键是确保数据完整性和一致性的重要工具,它确保每一行都有一个唯一的标识符。


  • Candidate key: 候选键属于超键,是最小的超键,也就是如果再去掉候选键中的任何一个属性,它将不再是超键了。



  • 超键的目标是确保每一行都具有唯一的标识,但它可能包含多余的属性。超键并不一定是最小的唯一标识方式。
  • 复合键确保表中的每一行都具有唯一的标识,但它只由特定属性的组合构成,不包含多余的属性。复合键通常是最小的唯一标识方式。


  • 超键通常可以用于创建索引,以提高查询性能。这包括主键以及其他唯一标识属性组合。
  • 复合键通常用于创建复合索引,以确保多个属性的组合的唯一性。

总而言之,every entity must have a final primary key: a minimal set of attributes that can uniquely indentify its entity instances.

Super key is as set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify an entity instance of an entity type.

Candidate key is the minimal super key.


弱实体 强实体




  • A weak entity doesn’t have any primary key but does have a partial key(discriminator).
  • partial key/discriminator:a key that is partially unique, only a subset of attributes can be indentified using it
  • Identifying relationship: the relationship type between a weak entity type to the owner of the weak entity type

部分参与 全部参与

total: 每个实体必须参加关系
partial: 不是必须参加关系


exercise 1

A civil aviation organization hires you to design a small database with the following requirements:

  • An aircraft is uniquely identified by its RegistrationCode. For each aircraft, we record its model and capacity. Each aircraft is owned by only one airline.

  • An airline is uniquely identified by its AirlineCode. For each airline, its name, country will be recorded. Each airline could have multiple phone numbers. The number of aircrafts belonging to this airline is needed.

  • A pilot is uniquely identified by his/her PilotID. For each pilot, we also record his/her name, gender and DoB (Date of Birth).

  • A flight is uniquely identified by its FlightID. For each flight, its flight number, route and time are recorded. The route is composed by an origin and a destination.

  • A passenger is uniquely identified by his/her PassengerID. For each passenger, we also record his/her name and contact number.

  • A passenger must book at least one flight, and a flight could have zero or more passengers. Whenever a passenger books a flight, the booking reference is recorded.

  • A flight must be performed by at least one pilot, but a pilot may perform zero or more flights.

  • A flight must be operated by one aircraft, but an aircraft may operate zero or more flights.

  • An airline should own at least one aircraft and at least one pilot. Whenever a pilot starts to work in an airline, his employment date is recorded.

Draw an ER diagram to represent the scenario, clearly state the assumptions you make if any.

Each aircraft must be owned by an airline.
Each pilot cannot work for multiple airlines at the same time.
Each pilot must work for an airline, and the airlines that the pilot has previously worked for are not recorded.

